Nvidia and Qualcomm Back Open Source Robotics Initiative

In an exciting development from San Jose, California, the Open Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF) has unveiled the Open Source Robotics Alliance (OSRA), marking a significant leap forward for open-source robotics. Announced on March 18, 2024, this pioneering initiative aims to fortify the governance of open-source robotics projects, ensuring the vitality and innovation of the Robot Operating System (ROS) Suite community for years to come.

Drawing inspiration from other successful open-source foundations such as The Linux Foundation and the Eclipse Foundation, OSRA adopts a mixed membership and meritocratic approach. It extends a warm invitation to all community stakeholders, including developers, researchers, and enthusiasts, to contribute to the technical oversight, direction, and development of the OSRF’s flagship open-source projects: ROS, Gazebo, and Open-RMF.

At the heart of OSRA’s governance structure is the Technical Governance Committee (TGC), a body responsible for overseeing the myriad activities across Project Management Committees, Technical Committees, Special Interest Groups, and Working Groups. While the OSRF Board retains overall responsibility for OSRA, this structure ensures robust and responsive leadership.

Early endorsements from industry giants highlight the initiative’s importance. NVIDIA, as an inaugural Platinum member, emphasized its commitment to advancing open-source robotics, leveraging ROS 2 for accelerated computing and AI. Similarly, Intrinsic, fresh from its acquisition of the Open Source Robotics Corporation (OSRC), pledges continued support for the ecosystem. Qualcomm Technologies also joins as a Platinum member, underscoring its dedication to fostering open-source software development in robotics.

These leading companies, along with other initial members such as Apex.ai, Zettascale, and Silicon Valley Robotics, underscore the broad industry support for OSRA. Their involvement signifies a united effort to standardize, innovate, and propel forward the field of robotics, making advanced robotics technologies more accessible and impactful.

Membership in OSRA is now open, inviting organizations and individuals to contribute to the future of open-source robotics. With various membership levels and benefits detailed on the OSRA website, the alliance encourages a wide range of participants to join this groundbreaking journey.

The establishment of OSRA by Open Robotics represents a pivotal moment in the evolution of open-source robotics. With a decade of experience under its belt since its founding in 2012, Open Robotics has played a crucial role in the widespread adoption of ROS, the world’s leading robotics framework suite. This new initiative promises to further amplify the impact and reach of open-source robotics, bridging gaps, fostering collaboration, and ensuring a vibrant, innovative future for the global robotics community.

Source: OSR Alliance

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